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2015 - present


March 17,18,19,24,25,26

"The Whale" by Samuel D. Hunter


January 29

Opus To Moonlight by Ren Campbell



December 9, 10,11

Christmastime in the City - Hollywood


November 27

Book of Herself by Frances Benn Hall

Overtones by Alice Gerstenberg


October 14,15,16, 21, 22, 23

Other Desert Cities by Jon Robin Baitz


September 25

Phaedra by Richard Matturro

Flowers for Algernon by David Rogers  (adapted from the book by Daniel Keyes)


September 21

Flowers for Algernon by David Rogers  (adapted from the book by Daniel Keyes) at the Claire Teague Senior Center in Great Barrington, MA


August 28 2016

Wedding Secrets 2, Samantha's Turn by Joe Starzyk

July 31

Jake Revolver, Freelance Secret Agent by Matthew Konkel

June 17,18,19, 24 & 25

Win/Lose/Draw by Ara Watson and Mary Gallagher

June 9

Mr. Noble Melancholy by Maryann Sherman and Karel Fisher (at Lenox Book Store)

May 29

Antigone by Richard Matturro

Seven Deadlies by Amy Sarah LaMena

Double D by Jim Dalglish

May 11

Selections from Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters (at Berkshire Athenaeum)

April 24

Cripple of Inishmaan by Martin McDonagh

March 11,12,13,18,19 & 20

The Shape of Things by Neil LaBute


February 19,20 & 21

10 Short Stories by Jerry Leventhal


February 19

In Motion Literary Party (Town Players'  "Mr. Noble Melancholy" by Maryann Sherman and Karel Fisher)


January 31

Iphigenia by Richard Matturro

Hearing Aid by Pete Barry

Senior Moments by Frederick Stroppel  




December 11,12 & 13

Christmastime in the City 2


October 25

Professor Roth's Will by Joe Starzyk


September 18, 19, 20, 25, 26 & 27

Five Women Wearing the Same Dress by Alan Ball


August 30
Thread Count by Lisa Soland
Electra by Richard Matturro

July 26
Proof by David Auburn

June 28
What Happens In Iowa by Joe Starzyk

May 1,2,3
Whatever Floats Your Boat (A Musical Maritime Melodrama)

April 26
Ariadne by Richard Matturro
Chocolate by Frederick Stroppel
Wedding Duet by Lauren Wilson

March 29
Sunday Afternoon of Local Authors
Niobe by Richard Matturro
Southern Exposure by Valerie Kavanaugh

March 13,14,15,20,21,22 
Skin Deep by Jon Lonoff

January 25
An Afternoon of International Theater
The Voucher by Paloma Pedrero
Ladies At Play by Julio Matas
Sunny Morning by Serafin and Joaquin Quintero
The White Uniform by Sergio Vodanovic



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